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What are the requirements for the density of extruded board?

Views: 1     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2020-07-08      Origin: Site

What are the requirements for the density of extruded board?

Do you know the density requirements of extruded board? To understand the density of the extruded board, also know that the flame retardant grade of the extruded board is several levels, and each company's products are different, the density is different, and the difference is also very large.

At present, the burning performance rating of building decoration materials is divided into three levels: B1 level: flammable building materials; B2 level: flammable building materials; B3 level: flammable building materials.

B3 grade extruded board flammable building materials, the density is about 25kg-28kg per cubic meter, the density can be more than 30kg-35kg standard, but the cost will increase. If you want to make B1, B2 flame retardant boards, the density will be relatively large, all above 30kg, and the raw material selection is also a good raw material.

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